高考英语备考 英语词汇综合训练
【摘要】高中生各科考试,各位考生都在厉兵秣马,枕戈待旦,把自己调整到最佳“作战状态”。在这里yingyuzhoubaodaan.com为各位考生整理了高考英语备考 英语词汇综合训练,希望能够助各位考生一臂之力,祝各位考生金榜题名,前程似锦!!
--- Who will go with you?
--- _____. I’ll go with you?
A. No others B. None C. Anyone D. Nobody
92. --- Excuse me, I don’t know the _____ to the zoo, can you tell me?
--- Sorry, I’m a stranger here.
A. direction B. path C. way D. road
93. Mrs Black _____ her tears and went on with her lesson.
A. took back B. kept back C. went back D. got back
94. It was such an unlucky day for me, I _____ the train and _____ my umbrella at the station.
A. missed; forgot B. forgot; lost C. missed; left D. lost; forgot
95. Don’t keep your mouth _____ if you want to improve your spoken English.
A. shut B. open C. opened D. shutted
96. He went to see his old friend once a week _____ when he was very busy.
A. except for B. besides C. except D. except that
97. The furniture is rather well made _____ its brown color.
A. except B. besides C. except that D. except for
98. Mary was very angry, for her classmates all went to the cinema _____ her.
A. except B. but C. besides D. without
99. --- How did he feel when he heard the news?
--- Well, his face _____ pale at once at it.
A. turned B. was turned C. changed D. was become
100. My mother _____ me to become a doctor.
A. hopes B. advises C. considers D. suggests