
英语周报高一外研2023-2022年第19期答案,我们目前整理分享关于英语周报高一外研2023-2022年第19期答案及其参考答案,2如需答案 请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)


第1版TOPIC READING①海上丝之路中国进行贸易和文化交流的高沿海地区与外园之间(②通过海工丝例之路到国外的有丝、某叶、钢铁四大类宫廷奇珍异宝被带到了中NEW TEST (CELST-8)此同时,香料,花PART B Role PlayM:Where shall we go.Mrs.SmithW:The Yellowstone Park.M:The Yellowstone Natonal Park?Didn't we gythere last year?w:Yes,we did.But tes We wie shall have somethingpecial to do there.w invite a professorgrve us a olcanicM:It sounds interesting.w:Yes.I think it will be interesting and helpfulM:By the way,how wet there boere?By bus or by trainW:Neither,we will get thee by bike.Since you don'ttake enough exercise,it will be good for you.W:On Saturday morniner tohe teachers and studentsare supposed to at etber at the school gate.Then,we'll at cight o'clock so thatwon't be in such a hurry.2.W:Well,we will have a batbecue there.So you aresupposed to take some fod with you.Don't forget totake some water since you may want to drink on the3.way.It's easy to get thirsty when you ride your bike.W:I'm sorry that you can't.No one is allowed to gothere by themselves.We must ensure the safety ofeveryone.The adults will keep an eye on you onthe way.So don't be late on Saturday.Questions to ask:1.When shall we set off?2.What shall we take with us?3.Can I go there by myself?
