learning english报纸答案高一课标广东第一期

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    1. 阅读理解

    A new
    study has found that cats can connect with people in the same way as dogs and
    children. The research, published in Current Biology, suggests the social
    abilities of cats to form human attachments has been greatly underestimated.
    The study notes that more cats live with humans than dogs do worldwide. But
    historically, more scientific research has centered on the social relationships
    between people and dogs.

    researchers designed experiments similar to methods used to measure human
    attachment behaviors. For example, other studies have observed how babies react
    to being reunited with caregivers after being separated for short periods.

    70 cats were studied. The hehavior of the animals was observed by experts who
    divided them into two groups.64 percent were judged to be "securely
    attached" to caregivers, while 36 percent were found to be
    "insecurely attached." The cats with secure attachments showed
    several signs of "reduced stress" levels, the study found. These cats
    were found to be more comfortable and effectively balanced their attention
    between the person and their surroundings. However, the cats with an insecure
    attachment showed clear signs of stress. These included shaking of the tail,
    repeated licking or staying completely away from the caregiver.

    added that the results showed that the level of secure and insecure attachments
    in cats is very close to those measured in human babies. In humans, research
    has found that 65 percent of babies are also securely attached to their caregivers.
    The researchers also were interested in finding out if socialization training
    would change the results.

    after a six-week training program for the cats, there were no major
    differences. "Once an attachment style has been established between the
    cat and its caregiver, it appears to remain relatively stable overtime, even
    after a training and socialization intervention(干预), "Vitale said.

      (1)What does the study mentioned in this passage show?

      A . Cats' social ability is little thought of.

      B . Dogs have more sociable personalities than cats.

      C . Historically, dog is much smarter than cats.

      D . Cats have bad social relationships with dogs.

      (2)What will happen if the cats feel unsafe?

      A . They tend to attack their caregivers.

      B . They are going to shake their tails.

      C . They will stay close to their caretakers.

      D . They are likely to balance their attention.

      (3)What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

      A . Attachment level in babies is higher than in cats.

      B . Training program plays an important role in the results.

      C . Researchers feel insecure when experimenting with cats.

      D . It's hard to make changes to attachment styles between cats and caregivers.